Saturday morning I went to the local fabric store to buy thread for my own project (quilting Nick's Monster) and who should I run into but Laura! After some shopping I followed her back to her house and tried to help her get her bobbins wound. Unfortunately, the ones she bought did not fit the Husquvarna--she has a more basic version of the same machine I have. So after a quick phone call, off we went to the only place in town that actually sells sewing machines and had the right ones. Finally bobbins were wound and the machine threaded correctly--Laura has had trouble with that ever since she lost her instruction manual. I pinned the first segments and she pieced away while I ironed. Their supersized dining table was a perfect sewing center.

Here she is pinning together the last row. Very exciting!

Top nearly complete! After this pic below was taken we laid out the border pieces and Laura, gung ho to get the whole thing done in an afternoon, sewed them into strips and applied them to the top. Success!
It was so fun for me to see the joy Laura felt and the confidence grow as she finished her very own first quilt top. Meanwhile, we'll soon have another cutting and sewing session for a quilt for her other daughter and hopefully she will go home with two tops ready to be sent out to the quilter. My brother is going to have to get used to having fabric all over his house like my DH has!
Well done Laura. I love the turning Twenty block, it's huge and easy.
ah it is always so GOOD to suck someone else in to making a quilt! I love it!!! Laura's quilt looks lovely, how is she going to quilt it?
I love enticing new quilters to join our ranks!
how exciting she finished the quilt!
can't wait to see what she makes next, always fun to see a new quilter suceed!
How fun for her! Thrilling to read about,too. Seriously fun. ...and she's got the best table on the planet to use. For sure!!!
I'll say you started your weekend off right. It's fun to watch others get the quilting fever!
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