Saturday, November 24, 2012


Thanksgiving was its usual day full of craziness and peace--and dishes, lots of dishes!  We got a late start on our cooking since I neglected to borrow a roasting pan from my mom, and the box of cornmeal for muffins was full of bugs.  So I sent Grant to the store for cornmeal while calling my mom and dad.  They didn't answer.  I left a plaintive message.  Grant called from the store to see if I got a hold of them and then he went to their house while I left another plaintive message.  He called me to say no one answered the door and their car was gone.  A total mystery!  So he went back to the store and bought one of those aluminum roasting pans and a rack.

Meanwhile, I prepped the celery and onions for the stuffing and then started vacuuming the family room.  When Grant got back home, I was on the floor with a screwdriver and the vacuum cleaner torn apart.  The belt was broken.  I put on the new belt, reassembled the vacuum cleaner, washed my hands, and proceeded to get the cornmeal muffins mixed and into the tin and oven.  Then while they were cooking we got the bird ready.  Did I mention it was still frozen when we took it out of the fridge that morning?  That had necessitated getting out the picnic cooler and putting the bird in cold water, changing it out every 20-30 minutes for about an hour and a half.  Anyway, now completely defrosted, Ms. Turkey got washed, dried, stuffed and slathered in butter and into the hot oven forthwith, about an hour later than planned.  Oh well!

Then came the mad rush to finish cleaning and prepping.  Sometime during this whirlwind my parents called back to say they were not home because they had been doing a self-assigned weekly community chore wherein they take trash bags, "grabbers", and rubber gloves and pick up all the garbage that thoughtless, careless, lazy people leave on the sidewalk behind the houses on their block. Their back wall is on a busy street across from the Community College so there is lots of traffic both auto and foot every day of the week, and no regular city cleaning of the sidewalks.

Meanwhile, Grant washed dishes for the second time, vacuumed the living room, we moved furniture out of the living room and Grant set up the folding table and chairs while I went up and down the stairs multiple times to get the boxes of dishes.  Subsequently I decided to iron tablecloths and picked two.  An hour later I had one tablecloth and 12 napkins done but had to take a break before getting the last one done.  Son Nick came in about that time and handed me a shirt to iron for him.  Grant decided the turkey was done--an hour early--and took it out of the oven.  Then we decided it wasn't done enough at only 180 degrees and he put it back in the oven alongside the casserole of extra stuffing .  I rushed through a shower and getting ready and then madly ran about decorating the tables until company started arriving.  I had to excuse myself to put my face on, then ran back down to get the appetizers prepped, side dishes finished and platters and serving pieces assembled....while people continued to arrive and bring things that needed to be put places, and of course greetings and drinks. DD Elaine brought the ham all cooked and helped me bunches by prepping for a salad and making the mashed potatoes. 

Finally everything was ready and the 10 of us sat down to turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham, broccoli salad, fruit salad, and cornmeal muffins.  I sat at a table with my son and daughter, and son in law Chris, who said he refused to sit at the adult table :)   Later there was pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, and Dutch apple pie, yum yum.  Lots of chatting and laughter throughout, and glasses raised to the chefs.  It is our habit to enjoy our guests and leave the cleanup til later.  Since Grant had already had two shifts on washing by hand, plus two times filling the dishwasher, it was my turn to wash.  We turned up the music, got the leftovers put away and cleaned up the kitchen.  Another successful holiday party!  Tell me, do your parties start like ours?


Janet O. said...

Sounds like it was an adventure getting things going at your house.
Hey, I am glad to hear of someone else who leaves the dishes until company is gone. I would so much rather visit and enjoy. The dishes will wait! : )

Quilter Kathy said...

I am tired just thinking about it! I think I'll go have a nap!

Shay said...

I cant tell you how impressed I am that you know how to change vacuum cleaner belt!

Oh yes- your house sounds exactly like ours when it comes to minor disasters like things still being frozen and finding out at the last minute we don’t have something essential. But normally the shops are shut here so we go without.

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving despite all that craziness.

Shay said...

I cant tell you how impressed I am that you know how to change vacuum cleaner belt!

Oh yes- your house sounds exactly like ours when it comes to minor disasters like things still being frozen and finding out at the last minute we don’t have something essential. But normally the shops are shut here so we go without.

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving despite all that craziness.

Kim Brackett said...

I need a nap after reading this! What busy bees you were. Sounds like everything turned out really well. Glad you had a good time.

Pokey said...

My kind of day, but the best part is sitting together, sharing, laughing; yes, it makes for the best of holidays, don't you think? Now, on to Christmas hubbub, lol~

One Minnesota Quilter said...

We have had those kind of Thanksgiving days in the past. This year was a very simple one. Only three of us so we opted to go to a local buffet...the place was packed so we weren't the only ones with that idea.

We had plenty of good food and were able to enjoy each others company - just no clean up and sadly, no leftovers. Thanksgiving leftovers are the best! :)


Joyful Quilter said...

I think Thanksgiving is one of those love / hate holidays, a lot of work but a wonderful get together. I had 4 guests staying with me for the weekend. Only had 8 for dinner, but cooked enough for 16 (thank goodness, for leftovers - that's what we've been eating all weekend). The last of the turkey will be made into an enchilada casserole tomorrow.

Hope you got to relax the rest of the weekend.

Lorraine said...

phew...I am exhausted just reading about your prepartions! :) Sounds like it all turned out well and everyone had a lovely meal....I too am impressed by your vacuum cleaner fixing prowess!! And kudos to your parents for their volunteering efforts!

antique quilter said...

I need a nap after reading your day!
glad it all worked out and you had a wonderful dinner

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

We had a busy, chaotic, day too; but it was all good and there was much to thankful for! I am amazed at your prowess in all arenas, including vac repair. ;) Thanksgiving is the only day that I run out of dishtowels and can fill a washing machine load solely with them.

Darlene said...

OMG, this sounds like my DD's house. Lots of chaos and laughs trying to get dinner on the table. As we were eating and enjoying we realized we completely forgot the tablecloth and cloth napkins. LOL Someone jumped up and grabbed a package of paper napkins from the pantry. LOL

It's about the family and making memories. :-)

MARCIE said...

I think life is always like that as one prepares for company. Sounds like you are a wonderful hostess with a helpful husband! Love your photos too!

Nanette Merrill said...

Oh! I love your fall dishes. I'm a dishes lover. The cat adds the perfect touch.

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