Friday, February 8, 2013


Do you sometimes find it as hard as I do to decide on a quilting plan?  After doing some crosshatching in the blogaversary giveaway quilt's background squares, I knew I wanted to include some kind of simple organic shape in the colored ones.  An evening of doodling and I came up with this:

A leaf shape with a line and a circle through it.  I was able to do this free form in one pass, which was what I was aiming for, and only had to rip out one mistake to resew.

I'm pleased with the results and hope whoever wins this little quilt will like it too.  The colors are washed out in the above photo of the back; the green is more intense and the red is more berry.  

The sewing room redo has progressed to a lot of empty boxes and even some decorating.

This shadowbox full of vintage buttons my mom found in a shop many years ago and she gave it to me a while ago.  I'll have to get a nicer closeup since the owl button didn't show up very well in this nighttime pic.

A favorite old print and my cross stitch are next to the newly relocated Hoosier cabinet.  The room is still not quite ready for its reveal--but soon! 


Darlene said...

The quilting looks wonderful, Annie.

Can't wait for the Big Reveal.

carol fun said...

Great looking quilting! I think the statement "quilt as desired" is one of the most perplexing -- I never know what I want to quilt!

Janet O. said...

The stack of flimsies is testament to how hard it is for me to choose a quilting design.
Nice pattern you invented!

Libby said...

Vintage buttons - YUM!

Kate said...

The quilting looks great!

Glad that your reorg is going well. Love the vintage buttons!

Pokey said...

Yes, I find I spend a while considering the quilting style. Sometimes as I'm piecing, I know just what I want to do. Others, I struggle an find I'm waiting to finish until I have a clear picture. Who wants to pick out a dud choice?
Your sewing space is looking so neat, you've chosen a pretty color for your walls. I'm happy for you!

Shay said...

I ruminate on the quilting part of quilting with every single project.

I think you chose well with this project. It looks darling.

Oooh the button shadow box. Looks like the big reveal isn't far away!

*kd. said...

gosh your quilting is really lovely. You're good at that!!! Congrats on making the new space come to life. How fun.

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...