Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sewing party

Our post-Long-Beach sewing party included a special gift from my sister to me---a new chair! Reaction below staged for all posterity:

Speaking of posteriors, mine felt the cush of this chair!

Seriously, how pathetic does my old chair look now? I bought it used over 15 years ago and have been using a seat cushion and a pillow behind me for the last 3-4 years.

Note guitars and piano behind Kathy and me. Our poor little ex-family room holds two hobbies now--but not for long!

This Hoosier cabinet does actually have a table that slides out. Too bad I can't use it for cutting because of all the fabric and batting and magazines and mending and tools on top of it...

Can you believe I work in this mess? It's not usually this bad, really, but it IS pretty cramped in my little corner. Having the garage door open also adds to the visual clutter in this pic, but it was hot that day and we needed the breeze!

Kathy worked on a version of her Clematis/Hosta Leaf quilt, this time for Mom. Note the ginormous box of Splenda on the counter that my foodservice husband bought for me--2000 packets ought to last through a year's worth of morning tea :)

Kathy set up a worktable across the sliding glass door of the family room. She's about to make her vine from this yarn. The purple clematis quilt is hung over the chair.
Here's Kathy's finished project. She used oil paint sticks for the shading.

She put the yarn center and the beads on in the car on the way to the airport. Mom said there was a lot of "ouching" and swearing when she stabbed herself a hundred times on the drive!
The small petal's shadow looks perfect! The backing is a very soft and fuzzy Minkee-type.

I worked on Mom's pillow cover and also the binding for Nick's Monster, and helped Laura with her backing for the pink and brown star quilt. It was so nice to have some peeps to sew with instead of being all by my lonesome. Wish they could be here all the time!


loulee said...

Thats not mess, it's evidence of productivity!
I love having someone to stitch along with too, it's fun.

Lynda said...

I agree with Loulee. What's a Hoosier? I've heard in mentioned in various movies etc but have no idea what it is.

Vivian said...

Midwestern baby boomers know what a Hoosier is (and that would be me).
Love the photos of your work space. We all manage with what we have, and if we don't have a separate studio, that's just the way it is. I've sewn for 35 years on our dining room table, totally cleared only for 6-7 weeks from Thanksgiving --> Christmas.
LOVE the new chair and the photos documenting your joy.

Stephanie D said...

What a great chair!! Nice surprise!

I would love to see more of your Hoosier cabinet. I have one bought several years ago from a consignment store, but I think it's been stripped and don't know if it needs to be stained or if I dare paint it or what.

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...