Monday, January 18, 2010

Down for 2, but a finish

Grant got a stomach flu and was very sick on Wednesday night--he even stayed home from work Thursday, a true rarity for him...I developed symptoms on Friday and was down from mid afternoon with this very unpleasant bug.  Saturday was a bust for doing much, as moving around made me feel a bit nauseated.  Even sitting and sewing was too much activity so off to bed I went again, spending nearly my whole Saturday afternoon doing nothing but watching TV, smashing my plans for participating in Judy's quiltathon.  Watching commercials for food was out of the question!  Barely ate more than a little soup and a few crackers all day.  Felt a lot better Sunday and finally was able to get in the sewing room in the mid afternoon and do some organizing.  Lots of cleanup of surfaces and relabeling and figuring was done to get those project boxes ready for work.  I did some cutting, ironing, folding, and discarding.  It was late afternoon I actually sat down to sew. Scully's the Granddog's quilt is finished!  I'll be taking it over to Elaine's today and will get some pics.  Today I planned to get a lot more sewing done...but now Erica appears to be down with the bug and I will have to cover her at my former Job #3 this afternoon!  Oh, well, best laid plans...

1 comment:

Stephanie D said...

That's one nasty-looking virus you posted there! lol

When I'm sick, I just move from bed to sofa to recliner--and sleep. You have more energy than I would.

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...