Monday, January 28, 2013

Design Wall Monday--Jan 28, 2013

On my design surface today is the backing for Judy's Mystery Quilt, one of the projects on my Getting it Done list.  Last week I shared the mistaken removal of the side border instead of the bottom border, which is what needed to be removed in order to add additional length to this poor, chopped up mess of a backing! Anyway, after yet another session of unsewing and resewing I have this to show:

This is the ugliest corner with all the multiple seams.  I had to add 13" in length to the previously miscut backing, and that required piecing three sections together so that the motif was the right orientation.  This fabric is "Indonesia" by April Cornell.  Thank goodness I bought plenty of extra fabric!

Seen from a galloping horse, the print is seemingly busy enough to hide all that extra seaming nonsense on this backing.

The final test was double checking that the backing is indeed longer than the front, and yes, the test was passed.  I sure cut it close on the width, however, so will have to be extra careful when pinning the layers.  Glad I can cross this repair off the list now!  See more Design Walls on Judy's Patchwork Times. 


Kate said...

Fixing projects gone wrong is the least pleasant part of quilting. Give yourself a big pat on the back for getting that part finished. The rest will be a piece of cake!

Janet O. said...

I think it looks great even from a stationary horse.
Whenever someone in a quilt shop is helping me figure backing and they tell me how much I need, I always buy an extra yard, just in case. : )

McIrish Annie said...

Lots of trouble for a backing. Glad it worked out

Quilter Kathy said...

Way to go! Those are the kind of fussy jobs that keep projects as UFO's and that I could postpone forever!!

Vivian said...

The backing fabric is so pretty, so maybe we can forgive it for being such a troublemaker for you. I agree with Kate. Fixing a problem or mistake is NOT much fun, so kudos to you for staying with it.
I always enjoy the image of a galloping horse, clomping through a room filled with quilters. That's a great visual.

Michele said...

Great job fixing it up! It is so painful for me to get something like that completed. You did it quickly!

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...