Monday, September 9, 2019

Design Wall Monday--Sept 9, 2019

It's Design Wall Monday!  See more Design Walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts.   

On my design floor is another project that stalled due to a cutting error...hmmm, I sense a theme in my sewing life!  Our guild has promised 50 quilts by the end of the year for babies and kids and I had started a large star quilt found in this British patchwork magazine I got free in a goodie bag: 

However, in my enthusiasm at the cutting table, I had cut and made the wrong color combination HSTs for my version of "A Star is Born" quilt in the magazine.  So into a Time Out box the quilt went, without even a progress photo taken!  Then , even after carefully checking and double checking the fabrics I needed, I carelessly cut a set of squares for HSTs at the FINISHED size.  I luckily had plenty of the green hand-dyed Rick Tims fabric hoarded since 2006--definitely time to get it cut up and into a quilt. 

My toes matched the center purple :).  The magazine pattern had the corners rounded and finished with bias binding, but I think I'll leave mine square.  If I have enough of the Kona Silver used in the outer blocks, I'll bind it with that, otherwise probably the Kona Prussian blue solid, I love that color.

The project box didn't stay empty for long!

My sister reminded me of the guild monthly challenge due Monday, something inspired from the summer.  It being a variable summer, I pulled out my bin of leftover pieces and parts and sewed together a small table mat/runner.  It looked too regular to be modern, so I sliced and rearranged. 

Much more interesting.  I'll call it Mixed Bag.  The leftover blocks drawer is pretty full, there will be some more small projects in the near future. 


Janet O. said...

I like that design for a baby quilt--and the matching toenails are stunning. :)

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Matching toenails - too funny!! And I'm with you - after I read the overall block size on a pattern - I don't really care what the unit "finished" size is - I want to know what size to "cut" it. If I "cut" it right - it will sew up to be whatever size it's supposed to be - LOL - ;))

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...