It was a very busy workweek--exhausting, in fact--and that limited my stitching time, but I did make progress on the Dreamweaver wedding quilt for our son and daughter-in-law.
The first 7 rows of 20 blocks each are done--with 19 to go! I only had to do surgery to one row where there were too many of the same print in a diagonal line. My efforts at careful and consistent rotary cutting are paying off in the assembly, even if it is easy to get squares out of order :) My version of Jen Kingwell's Dreamweaver quilt eliminated the disappearing 9 patch blocks, since I greatly enlarged the quilt dimensions to about twin size for a couch quilt. The squares finish at 3".
Leader-enders formed 9 patches to go with churn dash blocks and I sewed up the first row of the baby quilt I'm making with them. These are 6" finished.
I'm liking it so far and will have a finished top quickly. Another project moved along is an embroidery for my sister. I finally got out the lightbox and traced the last panel for the Blackwork Slave Quarters set, not realizing I had the fabric wrong side up until I started stitching the next day. No matter, I used a Pigma Pen which shows through to the front side. Design decision, let's call it, to reverse the scene!
I also have a correction on my last post: the star quilt from the Quilt
Now magazine is not called "A Star is Born", but "Star of the Show".
That may help searches for the pattern!
The well-worn path from home to work was enlivened one afternoon by a helicopter hovering close by.
We originally guessed this was a police chopper but I read in the paper that it is the electric company doing surveys and we shall see this scene a lot in the next few months--multiple fires have been blamed on power lines in our state, including the Thomas Fire that burned the hills beyond this photo.
Soccer season has started and we'll be attending grandson Cove's game tomorrow. I missed the opening game last week after tweaking my back somehow. It cleared up in a couple of days but was annoying until gone.
The other news of the week is that I ended up volunteering for the Treasurer's position at Guild. No one wanted to be President either--but finally two members decided to co-lead, after a previous president, who is battling cancer and planning to move out of state, said he would do it. It is sad when always the same folks put their hands up while so many others could jump in too. I know it is common in any organization, but still disappointing. So now I have to learn QuickBooks. I'm sure I've mentioned that I spell for a living and don't do math--but I am assured "it's easy". We'll see!
Nice work on your churn dash blocks and on the Dreamweaver. These will be lovely. We had those helicopters last month or so and now we're getting brief rolling power outages. I hope all their work helps us keep safer.
On our hottest day here, I'm planning on sewing on a quilt my lap will stay warm. HA!
Dreamweaver is coming together beautifully! So is the baby quilt. Sorry work has been exhausting and getting in the way of your stitching time. Hopefully this week was better.
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