Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday's Orts

Last week's Orts were swallowed by Blogger's bad behavior.  Let's hope this week's aren't!
  • Things sure change when you get older.  I was on the computer after 11:00 pm the other night and got an instant message from my daughter:  "Mom, go to sleep".
  • Mini the cat has a specific requirement for her dry food.  There will be a complaint if she can see the bottom of the dish and she will not finish the orts around the edges.  However, Russell the dog will take care of those at night when we are all asleep.
  • I've lost 11 pounds on the No Flour, No Sugar eating plan.  But I was definitely off the diet when we ate the delicious dinner DD Elaine's future MIL made for us on Friday.  Homemade lasagne, caesar salad, garlic bread, zucchini and yellow squash with cheese, and homemade lava cake for dessert.  Oh my!
  • Traffic rant:  As my mom and I were driving out of a parking structure at the local mall the other day, some idiot decided to make a U turn in the middle of the entrance/exit, blocking both lanes.  Seriously?
  • On HGTV recently I was watching that program "For Rent", where the hostess shows potential renters three apartment options and what she would do to redesign or fix problems to make it more livable.  The renters give her a "must have" list, usually things like indoor laundry, 2 bedrooms, big kitchen, etc.  In the episode I was watching, one of the renter's "must haves" was WALLPAPER.  Huh?
  • My sewing machine is having a spa day tomorrow, which means I'll spend tonight doing a lot more cutting for the new leader-ender project!
  • I could not resist taking this photo at Big Lots discount store of an unusual item I have never seen before:
Anyone know who the handsome mate is in the photo? 


Quilter Kathy said...

Don't know whose photo that is.
But I am familiar with the role reversal of kids giving free advice to the parents (who used to be the ones giving the advice!)

quiltmom anna said...

It made me laugh when your child told you it was bedtime- my mother who is 75 years old sometimes tells me the same thing when we are on the phone talking late at night. I am over 50 years old - sometimes your parents don't stop being your parents either!
Great post. Hope you had a nice 4th of July.

pcflamingo said...

HA! Had to laugh about the advice from your daughter. My son lives two houses away from me and can see when my sewing room lights are on...he'll call me at 2 a.m. and tell me to GO TO BED!

Pokey said...

Love the role reversals, Annie, I can chime in with you and your other com-mentors, lol

So did you think of trying the cookies? Not with your gluten avoidance, I'm sure, but I've made the Anzak 'biscuits' and they are pretty yum.

Always love your traffic rants, too, we are constantly commenting on "How do some of these people get licenses?!?"


Shay said...

Oh my goodness-they're Aussie biscuits! Anzacs are in every supermarket here, although our noxes dont have an American flag superimposed on them! I have no idea who that is on the box? He's not on our boxes...

Congrats on losing 11 pounds. That's fantastic.

Banaghaisge said...

Dunno who he is either - looks a bit of a Trekkie I reckon. No Aussie would look that serious and pained whilst holding hand over heart, we usually hold lower than that (somewhere about spleen...).
Here is a really good Anzac bikkie recipe (you could change the plain flour over to gluten free flour, dunno about rolled oats cos I am not glutinous (gluttonous though...). They really ARE yummy!

Marg said...

I agree no Aussie would ever stand looking that serious with their hand over their heart. In fact if I look really close it doesn't even look like an Aussie military uniform. It could possibly be a naval dress uniform, but again Aussies don't do the hand over the heart.
They don't look much like Anzac biscuits either. Anzacs usually look a lot more rustic, even the supermarket ones, and you can see the rolled oats in them. I think they are imposters, lol!

Candace said...

Congratulations on 11 pounds, Annie! Way to go! Are they bringing back wallpaper??? I wonder if the designers are scrambling now - lol! I don't understand why there is an American flad and what looks to be an American Naval soldier on that box - spooky! He's good looking, though ;>)

Kate said...

Can sympathize with the kids giving the advice, mine is very keen to remind me of my fabric budget these days.

Congrats on losing the 11 pounds!

Vivian said...

Losing weight is an accomplishment, no matter the amount or how you changed your eating habits to do it. Good for you!
Kids just crack me up sometimes. Funny how they grow up when we aren't really paying attention, and then the role reversal begins.

Amy said...

Good for you on the weight loss! Sounds like tomorrow will be a busy day giving your sewing room the spa treatment.

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...