Monday, July 22, 2019

Design Wall Monday--Fair Entries

It's Design Wall Monday.  I've been busy in the sewing room finishing up entries for our County Fair, so my Design Wall is now empty.  

Some projects I entered were already in progress and one quilt I borrowed back from the new owner.  A brand new project also jumped into the mix.  I finished an embroidery some months ago and decided to make a quilt with it.  I have a book by Pat Sloan that is all about novelty fabrics and includes what to do with panels.  I had some trouble with the math but the worst part of the whole process was when I could not find the shank attachment for my sewing machine feet, having taken off the walking foot.  It took easily 15 minutes of searching before I finally checked the box the walking foot came in, and there it was! 

I pulled the border fabrics from stash.  After auditioning numerous binding options, I picked an Alison Glass fat quarter, mostly because it was wide enough to help me enlarge the backing as well as making the binding.  

Very simple quilting and some corner triangles for hanging.    I'll enjoy putting this up on a wall when it returns from the Fair. 

 Another finish was making and adding binding to this baby quilt made from ModZ blocks from the Modern Quilt Guild. Luckily I had three strips of white fabric and a couple of small sections of green and love the way this turned out.
Fat quarter backing from stash.  This quilt may end up donated to guild if it isn't claimed by a family member!.

This Christmas Tree Skirt was started months ago and had reached the "needs binding made" stage.  I had left the quilted panel on the floor of my sewing room and the blasted cat peed on it! I had not cut out the center or panel opening and was able to put it through a soak and gentle washing, then I ironed it flat again to apply the binding.  I used Bonnie Hunter's method for figuring yardage for the bias binding.  However, I wanted to start with longer strips so upsized the width of the yardage to about 20 inches to get nice long pieces to join.  It was quite a struggle to get that bias binding on, I tell you, especially around the center! 

The plaid back makes the skirt reversible.  I only added one tie of the bias binding, but may add more.  The placemats for daughter Erica also got finished.  Naturally I had to go out and buy thread to match the purple binding.  I decided to wash said backing and was very glad I did!

 Look at all that dye!  This could have been a disaster on the light fabrics on the front.

Erica was very excited to know the placemats were finished  and was not happy when I told her I was holding some back for the Fair. "You can have two", she said, which I "ditto-ed" right back at her, with the caveat that possession is 9/10ths of the law, ha ha.  In the end, I dropped off two plaemats at her house and kept  the rest.  When turning in the placemats at the Fair, there was a needle and thread on one placemat that needed a corner sewn up, too funny!

The other three entries were the Falling Charms quilt I borrowed back,the mediallon quiltalong from guild that I spiral quilted some months ago, and the Sajou quiltalong quilt from Humble Quilts. 

I was the last person turning in quilting projects at the Fairgrounds today, luckily the head of the department and a local quilt teacher helped me to get them all checked in. The lighting is just awful in the building, so I wanted to document all my different quilts to date. 

See more Design Walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.


Loris said...

Lovely entries! I hope the Fair is fun and full of inspiration for you this well as some ribbons :-)

Janet said...

An excellent selection of entries for your fair. I'm sure you'll be bringing home some great comments and ribbons 👍😊

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

Good luck at the County Fair!! You have some lovely entries - ;))

Preeti said...

Very cute, very soothing - all lovely!!! Hope you have a fun time.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Very, very nice show and tell from you today! Good luck at the fair-- everything looks great but I am in love with your embroidered piece: it is SEW sweet! Well done, Annie!!

Tanya said...

Yes, you have made your own quilt show with all the lovely quilts you posted today! You are getting so much more done than I am, and such a variety!

Kate said...

You've got a good variety of projects for the fair. Good luck!

Design Wall Monday--Catching Up

 Design Wall Monday --See more design walls on Judy's Small Quilts and Doll Quilts blog.  I disappeared for awhile, due to computer issu...