This has been a week full of ups and downs. The services for my Grandma last Saturday were very nice. I made it through my speech without completely breaking down, although my brother Tyler, who spoke after me, said, "Thanks for the choke!". Lots of relatives I hadn't seen in a long time were there, and even three of my mom's brothers attended. We shared lots of stories and laughter as well as tears. My Dad's younger brother hosted a wonderful catered Santa Maria BBQ at his house and his wife had made special CDs of interviews she conducted with Grandma and her two sisters and one brother a few years ago of stories from their growing up years. Grandma's special treasures had been laid out and we were able to choose items that meant something to us. I may share pics of those at another time.
Sad news arrived on Monday the 26th, when I called my work friend Pat and learned that her son had passed away in the night, in the presence of his parents, one year and one month after his initial diagnosis of cancer. He was only 43 and had suffered a lot, especially in the last months as his liver began shutting down and affecting everything else. Our hearts break for Pat but we know her son is at peace now. She may return to work as early as next week, as she says she cannot sit at home just thinking about him. Being at work with us was her sanctuary during all the months he was in treatment. We will be glad to have her among us again.
Halloween projects kept me in my sewing room and I finished the Halloween Tumbler quilt this morning.

I made it two-sided so I can enjoy it through the fall, using fabric from my stash. The light orange print fabric was being used as a curtain in Elaine's new place when she moved in. It was just cut in half and not hemmed or anything so I appropriated it, washed it, and will use it up.

I like the way the quilting from the front looks on the reverse.

Erica's cobweb work is exemplary as always. She said she'd be happy to be hired out for this kind of decorating! Lots of people in our neighborhood have decorated with lights and there are a couple of graveyards too.

Here's a ghost I made a few years ago out of cheesecloth and liquid stiffener. The shadows make him look pretty spooky in this daytime shot.

This little woolen pumpkin was made by a dear family friend many years ago. I love his mask and can't wait to put him out every Halloween. I put him on a pillar candle holder to get him off the desk.

We will probably have hordes of Trick or Treaters, as we always do. Grant bought more candy this morning so I think there are about 8-9 bags now. I enjoy seeing all the decorated houses in the neighborhood and there is a "Trailer of Terror" around the corner that always draws lots of folks.
The last happy thing is that two weeks from now I will be flying to Australia. I spoke on the phone to my dear friend Susie the other night and can't wait to get there to see her, meet her fiance Jon, and all their family. I'm so excited and can't believe it is coming up so fast!